My Wild Ride on the Tracer Verge Electric Bike: From Beach Bum to Mountain Conqueror in One Day

October 16, 2024 8 min read

My Wild Ride on the Tracer Verge Electric Bike: From Beach Bum to Mountain Conqueror in One Day

Saturdays in Southern California usually mean one thing for me: staring at my car keys and having an existential crisis about whether I’m really up for battling traffic. Let’s be real, LA traffic is a soul-crushing maze of brake lights, endless detours, and drivers who think speed limits are mere suggestions. But today was different. Why? Because sitting in my garage, gleaming like a steel savior, was the Tracer Verge Electric Bike—my ticket to a stress-free, adventure-packed day.

This isn’t your average e-bike. With its 800W motor, 20"x4.0" fat tires, and enough battery power to go farther than any reasonable person should need in one day, the Tracer Verge is a hybrid between a sleek, retro motorcycle and a modern, eco-friendly e-bike. As I strapped on my helmet, I had my day planned out: hit Venice Beach for some sand and sun, then roll through the chaotic streets of Downtown LA, and finally take on the rugged trails of the San Gabriel Mountains. All in one day. Sound crazy? Maybe. But with this bike, crazy was exactly what I was going for.

Chapter 1: Venice Beach—Where the Rubber Meets the Sand

First stop: Venice Beach, baby. Now, Venice on a weekend morning is a complete madhouse. We’re talking about swarms of tourists, rollerbladers who think they’re auditioning for a '90s music video, and street performers doing backflips for tips. Normally, trying to ride a bike through this crowd is an exercise in patience, but today, I wasn’t on just any bike.

The Tracer Verge hit the sand, and I’ll be honest—there was a part of me that expected it to sink, even with those 20"x4.0" fat tires. But nope. This bike handled the soft beach sand like it was built for it. It was like riding on a smooth road, while everyone else around me was trudging through the sand like they were walking through molasses.

People were staring. Not at me, but at the bike. And who could blame them? With its retro-cool design and rugged look, the Tracer Verge stood out from the sea of rental beach cruisers like a classic car at a go-kart race. I was feeling like the king of the beach, and the bike’s performance was backing up the swagger. Gliding effortlessly over the sand, I made my way toward the Venice Beach boardwalk, where things were about to get a little more intense.

The boardwalk at Venice is its own kind of chaos. Rollerbladers, skateboarders, artists selling paintings, tourists snapping selfies, and, of course, the inevitable guy walking around in full costume pretending to be a statue. It’s the kind of place where you’d expect to be dodging obstacles every few feet. But the BMX-style handlebars of the Tracer Verge made navigating through the crowd feel like a breeze. Every turn, every swerve—controlled, smooth, and dare I say, fun.

With the 800W motor humming beneath me, I was able to pick up enough speed to feel the wind on my face but not so much that I was plowing through pedestrians. It was the perfect balance of speed and control. I pulled up to a taco stand—because, let’s be real, no trip to Venice Beach is complete without fish tacos—and parked the bike with a smug sense of satisfaction. As I stood in line, I noticed people checking out the bike, their heads tilting as they tried to figure out exactly what they were looking at. Was it a motorbike? An e-bike? Both?

After refueling with some seriously good tacos, I hopped back on the bike and headed for the streets. Next up: Downtown LA.

Chapter 2: Downtown LA—Ruling the Streets and Circling Arena

If Venice Beach is chaotic, Downtown LA is its more serious, urban cousin. We’re talking towering skyscrapers, packed streets, and a gridlock that makes you question why anyone still bothers with cars. The thought of trying to drive through downtown was enough to give me anxiety, but here’s the beauty of the Tracer Verge: no traffic jams, no parking nightmares, no problem.

I loaded the bike onto my car’s bike rack and headed for Chinatown. I wasn’t about to fight for parking spots near Arena. Once I found a spot in Chinatown (after circling around for what felt like an eternity—typical LA), I unloaded the bike and took off.

The moment I hit the street, I could feel the 800W brushless motor kicking in, giving me all the power I needed to zip through the traffic like it wasn’t even there. Cars? They were barely a blip on my radar. While drivers were sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, I was gliding past them, riding in the bike lane with the wind in my face and zero stress. The 5-speed pedal assist gave me the option to switch between coasting and going full throttle, depending on how much effort I felt like putting in—which, let’s be honest, wasn’t much.

I made my way through Union Station, its grand architecture standing in contrast to the fast pace of the city around it. From there, I cruised through Olvera Street, dodging tourists and street vendors with ease. The bike’s fat tires made the uneven pavement and cobblestone streets feel like a smooth ride. Even when I hit a particularly gnarly patch of road, the triple-tree fork suspension absorbed the impact so well that I barely noticed.

But the real fun was yet to come. I had a detour planned: a quick ride over to Arena, the home of the Lakers. I’d been looking forward to this all day, because let’s face it—rolling up to one of the most iconic spots in LA on a bike this cool? Yeah, that was going to feel great.

I cruised down Figueroa Street like I owned it. The bike’s BMX-style handlebars gave me total control, even when I needed to make quick turns to dodge a delivery truck or avoid a sudden pedestrian crossing. When I finally reached the arena, I did a few laps around the perimeter, just for the fun of it. The Tracer Verge handled the city streets like a champ. Potholes, cracks, uneven asphalt? No problem. The fat tires and suspension system made sure the ride stayed smooth.

As I rolled back toward Chinatown, I felt like I’d just experienced the best parts of Downtown LA in a way that driving could never offer. But the day wasn’t over yet. The real test was coming: the San Gabriel Mountains.

Chapter 3: San Gabriel Mountains—The Ultimate Off-Road Challenge

If I thought Venice Beach and Downtown LA were wild, I knew the San Gabriel Mountains would take things to a whole new level. These trails are no joke. Steep, rugged, and full of obstacles that would make most bikes think twice. But the Tracer Verge? This bike was ready to handle whatever the mountain could throw at it.

The moment I hit the trail, I could feel the bike digging into the dirt with a kind of confidence you don’t usually get from an e-bike. The Hi-Ten steel frame was built tough, and it showed. Every rock, every bump, every patch of uneven ground was absorbed by the triple-tree fork suspension like it was nothing. I’ve ridden mountain bikes before, but this was something else entirely. It was like the Tracer Verge was daring the mountain to challenge it.

The trail started out relatively easy, but soon enough, I found myself staring up at a steep incline that looked more like a wall than a hill. Most bikes would’ve required some serious legwork to make it up, but not the Tracer Verge. I shifted the pedal assist to level 5, and the bike’s 800W motor roared to life. Suddenly, what should’ve been a grueling climb felt like a leisurely ride. The motor took over, powering me up the hill while I barely broke a sweat. The view from the top? Absolutely worth it.

At the summit, I took a break to catch my breath and enjoy the stunning vista. From up here, LA looked so small, almost like a toy city sprawled out below. I felt like I was on top of the world—literally and figuratively. The bike had taken me from the beach to the city and now to the mountains, all in one day.

But now came the fun part: the downhill ride.

As I started my descent, I was reminded of just how important the disc brakes on the Tracer Verge really are. The trail was steep, and without reliable brakes, this could’ve turned into a disaster. But the brakes gave me total control. I never once felt like I was going too fast or about to lose my grip. And the fat tires? They handled the dirt, rocks, and gravel like it was a paved road. Every turn, every drop—controlled, smooth, and safe.

By the time I reached the bottom of the mountain, I was riding high on adrenaline. The bike had passed every test I’d thrown at it so far, and I knew there was nothing left it couldn’t handle.

Chapter 4: The Grocery Run—Finishing the Day Like a Pro

After conquering the beach, the city, and the mountains, you’d think I’d be ready to call it a day, right? Wrong. Even adventurers need groceries. But here’s the thing: with the Tracer Verge, even something as mundane as a grocery run feels like part of the adventure.

I rode over to my local market, parked right out front (again, no parking issues!), and grabbed what I needed. As I came back out, I saw a couple of people checking out the bike. One guy actually asked me, “Is that thing electric?” I nodded, trying not to sound too smug as I told him about the 800W motor and how I’d just come down from the San Gabriel Mountains. He looked impressed—and honestly, who wouldn’t be?

With my groceries loaded into my backpack, I hopped back on the bike and cruised home, riding through my neighborhood with a huge smile on my face. It wasn’t just the freedom of the ride; it was the sense of accomplishment. I’d spent the entire day exploring, covering more ground than I ever could have in a car, and I’d done it all on a bike that turned heads everywhere I went.

Final Thoughts: The Tracer Verge Is More Than Just a Bike—It’s an Adventure Machine

The Tracer Verge Electric Bike is a total game-changer. Whether you’re cruising the beach, navigating city traffic, or tackling rugged mountain trails, this bike handles it all with style and ease. The 800W motor gives you the power to take on any challenge, the fat tires provide stability and grip no matter what terrain you’re on, and the Hi-Ten steel frame makes sure the bike is as tough as you are.

From the shores of Venice Beach to the bustling streets of Downtown LA, all the way up to the rugged trails of the San Gabriel Mountains, this bike never once let me down. It’s more than just a way to get around—it’s an invitation to explore. If you’re looking for an e-bike that’s built for adventure, the Tracer Verge is the one you want.

Key Takeaways:

  • 800W Brushless Motor: Enough power to tackle steep hills, city streets, and everything in between.
  • 20"x4.0" Fat Tires: Perfect for sand, gravel, dirt, and pavement.
  • Hi-Ten Steel Frame and Triple-Tree Fork Suspension: Built tough for any terrain, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride.
  • 5-Speed Pedal Assist: Gives you control over how much effort you want to put in—whether you’re coasting or conquering.
